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Sopranos & Sopraninos

The soprano saxophone brings back memories of Sidney Bechet, John Coltrane, and Steve Lacy. Perhaps from my stock below you can find the one you will star on! And, if you want to go even higher, try out one of my sopraninos (mingled with the sopranos below)...

  • All sopranos are keyed to high F, unless otherwise noted.
  • Horns marked with an asterisk (*) are scheduled for a standard VintageSax pad job. This means the sax will be completely disassembled, cleaned, polished, have necessary dentwork completed, and have any play in the mechanism eliminated. New pads will be floated in, and all corks and felts replaced; typically, I use Ultrasuede on the bar keys and teflon on the sliding surfaces.

Available Models

Buescher C Soprano

This 1908 C Soprano is in very good original condition!  Silver plate is 90% with wear on touch pieces.  Pearls are excellent.   Pads are newer with nylon resonators.  Keyed to high E flat with soldered tone holes.   It comes with an older B flat model case.  Great for a collection!!!!

Serial: 79,95x
Price$1000 On Sale
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Buescher  Sopranino

This little gem has been in my collection for years!  It has an original Buescher case and is in exceptional condition.  Pearls are perfect as well as silver plate.  These are so difficult to find and so much fun to play!

Serial: 152,000
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Buescher Soprano

A beautiful Gold Plated B flat soprano from from 1924-25 era.  It is keyed to high F and has a lovely sweet tone.  It still has its original white pads!  Gold plate is 100% and engraving is elaborate.  Original case is included!  Scheduled for a VintageSax* complete pad job.  This is a fine player and would fit in any collection as well!

FinishGold Plate
Serial: 165,000
PriceOut on Approval
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Buescher Curved

This Sweet 1925 Buescher curved soprano is in Excellent Condition!  Original silver plate on the body and gold plate inside the bell are very good,  Body is straight and undamaged.  Original snap in resonators are intact, original pearls and rollers are in great condition.   Scheduled for a VintageSax* repad and hand polishing.   Pics soon to come!

Serial: 179,xxx
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Buescher  Curved

A Buescher curved soprano from 1925 that is still in wonderful original condition!   Original silverplate finish with light gold plate in bell, pearls, rollers and Buescher snap in resonators.  Body is undamaged and it still has its original case!  Just in..

Serial: 194,xxx
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Buescher  Curved

A Buescher curved soprano from 1926.  This is keyed to high F and is all original.  Silver plate is about 95% with a light gold wash bell.  Please excuse its tarnish.  I will clean, hand polish and install new pads before sale.  Body is straight, neck is excellent and I expect very good intonation once repadded.

Serial: 215,xxx
Contact us to purchase

Buescher Straight

This 1926 Buescher straight soprano has original silverplate with gold plated interior bell. It is a later model with the longer palm keys and roller on the G# key. It has some plating wear around the thumb area but the rest of the horn is very good. I've cleaned off tarnish on the bell area so you can see how nice it will look.  Original pearls and rollers are in good condition.  Most snap in resonators are intact. Will be repadded and hand polished before shipping to a new home.

Serial: 21769x
Contact us to purchase

Buescher Straight

Here is later (1927) True Tone with 99% silverplate and a light gold bell interior.   I've cleaned off some tarnish to show the excellent plate condition. It has the longer palm keys and G# roller key.  It also has all original pads with snap-in resonators intact.  I will repad and keep the resonators in place before sale.  This later soprano will be a fine player with solid intonation.  Scheduled for hand polishing and VintageSax pad work.

Serial: 224,17x
Price $2000
Contact us to purchase

Conn Curved

This is a unique New Wonder silver plated Conn soprano sax keyed to high F.  Check out the lovely gold plated bell!  The serial number stamping leads one to believe it was produced in 1896!  Upon closer inspection, the serial number is missing its first two digits!   It has original pearl touch pieces and palm keys on separate rods.  The neck is fixed (not detachable)  and the silver plate is excellent.  All these characteristics plus the engraving style date this to around 1920.  It is in wonderful condition and will be polished and receive VintageSax*  pad work before sale.

FinishSilver Plate
Serial: ??,775
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Conn Curved

A very RARE Gold Plated curved Conn from the early 20s.  Tone holes are drawn from the body and most are rolled.  Conn didn't usually roll the smallest tone holes at this point in production.  The palm keys are all on separate rods and independent and it is keyed to high F.  The original  burnished gold plate is in very good condition.  Pads are new with flat metal resonators.  Intonation is good and the tone of this soprano is robust and sweet.  Case is original yet the interior has been restored beautifully.   Here's your chance to own a very difficult to find soprano in gold plate!

FinishGold Plate
Serial: 64,40x
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Conn Straight

A lovely 1927 Conn with rolled tone holes, crosshatched G# and 99% original silver plate with light gold bell.   This soprano has good pitch and solid centered tonal core.   It has like new metal resonator pads and a new replacement case.  A trap ring has been added cleanly.  Ready to go!

Serial: 196,12x
Price $1900
Contact us to purchase

Martin Straight

Another very RARE Collectable soprano that plays beautifully.  It has been in my collection for years.  Original Gold Plate is near perfect and it sings with a wonderful dark, full rich tone.  Intonation is accurate and response is easy.  Pads are new with flat metal resonators.  A strap ring has been added.  These are so very difficult to find in this condition!

FinishGold Plate
Serial: 82,20x
Contact us to purchase

Yamaha Straight

This Professional YSS-61 is close to mint condition!   Made in 1977, it has had no damage and little playing time. One of the first sopranos to have a high F# key.   Comes with original case and mouthpiece.

Serial: 3009
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